IV Drip Controller

Design that Matters

IV Drip Controller Contact Solution Provider

Solution Overview & Benefits

This device allows for controlled administration of intravenous medicine without the need for trained staff or specialized equipment. In developed nations IV drips are delivered by electric pumps when dosing accuracy is needed. These provide and accurate and consistent flow but are expensive and require electricity. IV drips can be administered by gravity but current valves are not intuitive and require practice to use. In emergencies untrained persons are often performing IV administration and may give an incorrect dose due to the design of these valves. This improved valve adjusts flow volume linearly based on the position of a wheel. It is similar to existing designs but the groove the tube sits on is curved, which means the wheel compresses the tube gradually as it is spun up the track on the valve.This makes it easier to use and allows a scale to be printed on the valve body showing what the flow rate is at any given position. Flow rate can be adjusted quickly and with more certainty. This relatively simple design change to an existing product could save lives from medication errors.

History & Development

The valve was invented by Design That Matters when they were trying to find ways to improve IV drip administration.


Publicly available: yes
Countries where available: Worldwide
Price range (USD): 1 to 20 USD


Dimensions: 2"
Weight: 1g

Additional Information

Solution Providers Website (external link) Product Webpage (external link)


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