Ubuntu Blox

Build Simple Inc.

Solution Overview & Benefits

Ubuntu Blox are blocks that are made from trash/waste and used for building houses. There are two primary types of blocks: blocks made from styrofoam waste and blocks made from agricultural waste.

Styrofoam waste blocks: The styrofoam blocks help to eliminate one of the largest recycling problems the world faces today. Each block is made out of approximately 60 styrofoam takeout trays – this means that for a 10′x10′x8′ house, over twenty-one thousand trays will be taken out of landfills, and put into sustainable homes. Styrofoam also has beneficial qualities for use in construction:

-It is lightweight, so it is easy to work with -It is an excellent insulator, helping to keep the houses cool in the heat and warm in the cold -It never decomposes, which is traditionally negative if discarded, but beneficial as a construction material property.

Agricultural waste blocks: Ubuntu also uses agricultural waste to make blocks. Ubuntu's primary plant has been the remains of the Vetiver plant after processing for its oil. Besides being another waste product that is typically burned with an accelerant, releasing harmful pollutants into the atmosphere, Vetiver is a natural insect repellant, making it great for the construction of homes.

History & Development

In 2010, inventor Harvey Lacey was inspired from a desire to ease three difficult issues facing many resource poor settings: inadequate housing, plastic pollution, and a lack of wage earning opportunities, particularly for women. The result came in a dream and Ubuntublox was born. While the vision continues to change and be refined for greater impact, these ideals will always be at the heart of Ubuntu Blox.


Publicly available: yes
Countries where available: Worldwide

Additional Information

Solution Providers Website (external link)


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