Jaya Organic Yojana

Posted by TEL Team 11 March 2015

The Project

Jaya Organic Yojana (JOY) is a grassroots movement in Karnataka, India, that leverages the collective power and network of Indian nonprofit organizations to restore soil fertility and provide business opportunities for thousands of impoverished villagers and farmers, by switching to organic farming and composting. At the core of JOY's activity is a training program that teaches thousands of villagers how to create nutrient-rich fertilizer through vermiculture, a process of composting that uses live earthworms, manure and green waste. Villagers can secure a livelihood by selling the fertilizer to farmers, who in turn benefit from organic farming practices.

TEL's Role

After conducting a field visit in Karnataka in late 2013, TEL began working with JOY to both raise the public profile of the movement through the creation and promotion of original content, and to secure partnerships with a major agrarian foundation in India: Morarka Organic in Rajasthan.


JOY secured a grant from the National Skills and Development Council of India, along with microloans to enroll and train 1,067 beneficiaries across 100 villages, in the first year. Beneficiaries have earned, on average, 3-4x their initial training fee, by selling organic fertilizers and surplus earthworms. Farmers’ yields have increased, on average, by 50-60% by using organic fertilizers. Increased income generation has also led to expanded financial inclusion, and a reduction of rural flight as families and young adults find new opportunities at home. In its second year, JOY will enroll an additional 1,832 beneficiaries.